
Hello, Howdy, HI!!

I HATE introductions!! I never know what to say about myself *shrugs* I always feel like I’m bragging or being too humble, never somewhere in between. I never know  what others want to hear about. Some are only interested in my skating, some my travels, and others want to know what I think of this or that… Well, I was told to be myself here, so I’m gonna just lay it all out there. Good and bad. I won’t overwhelm you with everything at once, just some basics about me for now.

I’m a skater girl. Roller skating, that is. I’ve been skating since I was four and joined a roller derby team as soon as I found out that it wasn’t just a thing from the past. An accident ended that a few months later and horses took it’s place. After living and working on a horse farm for a few years, I decided to travel. During that time I skated with another team until I discovered Chicks in Bowls. I learned about roller skating at skateparks… all I could think was “WOW! Why didn’t I know about this when I was younger??” (40 something and learning to jump into a half pipe with wheels on my feet… how exciting!)

For the past few years, I’ve been traveling (and skating) around the mid-Southern states. I find work wherever I decide to stay for a bit and it’s always great to stay for awhile! I get to know the locals, their customs, and their favorite places… the hidden places that tourists and visitors don’t normally get to experience!

During my travels, I went for a check-up and was diagnosed with cancer. A week or so later, I ran across an ad, answered it, and decided to start my coffee business! It’s great since I can’t work full time with all the doctor visits and treatment. I really love coffee, but our relationship has been more of a hide and seek game than a relationship. I’d blunder around looking for coffee and coffee drinks that I liked while they mostly lingered just out of reach. The problem was that I just didn’t know enough about coffee!!! ……and there I go rambling, I need to save that for another post! I warned you that I was bad with introductions!

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