Goofy Me and Why I (FINALLY) Decided to Write a Blog

I recently started a Coffee 101 group for my customers and others interested in learning more about coffee. Last night I sent a message to someone, thinking it was my sponsor. I let her know about the group and invited her to join, asking the she please not hijack my potential customers. She understood about the customer hijacking, but wondered about it because there is such a difference in our businesses (she is also in sales). About that moment, I realized who I was messaging… imagine my feelings of awkwardness! (insert silly emoticons) After explaining myself and a bit more talking (and some laughing at me) she joined my group and informed me of her desire to learn about cold brew. I spent awhile thinking about a better way to present the information than what I was already doing. “Der, BLOG!” The answer was clear from the beginning, but I kept side-stepping the issue. At that moment, I decided that I had to get over my fear of whatever fear it is and JUST DO IT.

HERE I AM, doing the thing. I hope you find it educational, enjoyable, and aren’t too judgemental of my (sometimes) goofy-ness!

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